Iliad won’t let you call, what’s going on

Since 12:00 noon many users are reporting problems with the Iliad network: can't call Wind and Three numbers. Here's what's happening

Since 12:00 on June 21, 2019 many users are reporting problems with the Iliad network: you can't call Tre and Wind numbers. The inefficiency does not seem to affect only one area, but all of Italy. As shown by the map on, a site that collects reports from users when a service is not working, the problems with the Iliad network seem to be generalized to all of Italy.

Reading the comments of users on social networks and specialized websites, Iliad does not allow you to call Tre and Wind numbers, while all other services work. You can surf, even in 4G, update apps and listen to your favorite songs on streaming music services. You can also make calls to Vodafone and TIM numbers and send text messages. It's not a real Iliad down, as only one of the many services offered by the phone operator is not working. Technicians are definitely working to solve the inefficiency and in the next few hours we will tell you more.

Why Iliad doesn't let you call Three and Wind numbers

For the moment we don't know the causes that don't allow Iliad users to call Three and Wind phone numbers. The problem is certainly very curious, since it only affects certain phone numbers. Moreover, Iliad relies precisely on Three and Wind antennas to spread its signal. One of the reasons could be the works that Iliad is doing in this period to activate its 4G and 5G antennas. We'll see how the situation will evolve in the coming hours: technicians are working to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Update 2pm. The problem seems to have been solved.