PlayStation Network, Steam and AirBnB Down [UPDATED]

Various sites involved, causes unknown at the moment.

UPDATE 7:45 PM - Akamai seems to have solved every problem and the restoration of PSN services confirms it. On Twitter, the company states that the outage was not caused by a hacker attack.

UPDATE 7:00 p.m. - The website Downdetector, one of the most popular "down" detection services on the Internet, has issued a public warning: "Reports indicate that there may be a widespread outage at Akamai, which could impact your service."

Akamai is indeed a CDN, which confirms our initial assumption. The company, on Twitter, admitted to having problems but also said it has already found a solution. According to Akamai, the situation will soon be back to normal.

Update 6:50 PM - AirBnB website is back online and usable. Il Network Service Status di PSN, invece, conferma che ci sono ancora diversi problemi per i giocatori. Ma non solo: Sony conferma, seppur indirettamente, anche che il problema potrebbe derivare dal crollo di una CDN: “I servizi PlayStation Network sono perfettamente funzionanti, ma possono sussistere alcune problematiche esterne sulla rete Internet che potrebbero compromettere la tua esperienza. Una volta risolte queste problematiche esterne, non dovresti avere alcun problema a connetterti a PlayStation Network“.

Di seguito i problemi riscontrati:

  • Gestione account
  • Giochi e social
  • PlayStation Now
  • PlayStation Video
  • PlayStation Store

Articolo originale

PlayStation Network e Steam, due dei siti di riferimento per i gamer, sono down dalle 17:30 circa e stanno crescendo a dismisura le segnalazioni da parte degli utenti che non riescono ad accedere ai due store. But they are not the only famous sites to have problems at this time: AirBnB and Call of Duty are also offline, which could be a coincidence, but also not.

Most likely this is not a coincidence, since all these sites and services have started to have problems more or less simultaneously. So we can't exclude the hypothesis of a collapse of a CDN, a Content Delivery Network, as it already happened at the beginning of June, when thousands of sites all over the world went down at the same time (from Corriere della Sera to Gazzetta dello Sport, in Italy, from New York Times to Financial Times) because of a technical problem of Fastly.

We are monitoring the situation, we will update you about future developments.