Stranger Things: 5 incredible curiosities about the series

Waiting for the end of the filming of the new season of Stranger Things we unveil some curiosities about this spectacular series.

After more than a year and a half Stranger Things will see, although we do not know the official release date, its fourth season, presumably it will be on Netflix next fall. In the meantime, there are many curiosities of this extraordinary story to discover.

There are many oddities of this series that sees as protagonists in 1983 a group of young nerds and the little girl Eleven escaped from a laboratory and endowed with mental powers. They and other inhabitants of the town of Hawkins in Indiana are dealing with strange and terrible creatures from the world of Underworld. The success of this series, for which there is even talk of a fifth season, is a fast pace, numerous twists and turns and an avalanche of references to pop culture of the 80s that has conquered all.

Steven Spielberg and 80's pop

Matt and Ross Duffer, creators of Stranger Things, are big fans of Steven Spielberg and that's why several narrative passages that we find in Stranger Things are reminiscent, not so vaguely, films of the beloved director. It was a way to pay homage to his talent. Always for their dedication to the director, the Duffer brothers at the casting expressly asked the candidates to play parts of the film Stand by Me - Memories of a Summer.

An element that has made the fortune of Stranger Things and that they like a lot is the 80s pop culture. Infatti per rendere al meglio le atmosfere gli attori sono stati obbligati a guardarsi tutti i classici del periodo in modo da potersi immedesimare al cento per cento.

La scelta di Eleven

La produzione visionò più di mille ragazzini per la scelta del cast. Nel caso di Eleven, vi fu l’influenza di un altro personaggio importante per i fratelli Duffer: Stephen King. Fu lui a indicare, seppure non esplicitamente, la strada con un tweet. King aveva espresso il suo apprezzamento per Millie Bobby Brown per la sua interpretazione in Intruders. Fu un "consiglio" indiretto, ma decisivo.

Fa sorridere, ma un’altra stranezza è che l’idea di Stranger Things fu rifiutata bene 14 volte prima di essere realizzata. Tutti i produttori avevano paura di un cast cosi giovane da guidare.


Montauk sarebbe dovuto essere il titolo Originale della serie, ma sappiamo non essere andata cosi. The Montauk project is a complex conspiracy theory popular in the United States, according to which in the homonymous military base on the island of Long Island various experiments were conducted for several years: from the opening of gaps between different dimensions to the manipulation of the mind, up to real time travel.

All this often linked to the abduction of children and experiments on them. The Duffers probably took their cue from what we could call urban legends and made Stranger Things out of it.