According to the creator of Telegram, behind the constant bugs of WhatsApp would hide a very specific will. Criticism of the protection of user data
New attack on WhatsApp by Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, which this time criticizes the most widely used instant messaging app in the world for its lack of security. In the past, Telegram had also mocked WhatsApp for the poor maximum size of attachments that you can send with the Facebook home service.
Durov now refers to the numerous backdoors discovered in recent times on WhatsApp, which allow hackers (but also public bodies who want to spy on us) to have access to all our data. The latest example is the vulnerability that allows a hacker to enter our smartphone simply by sending us a video in Mp4 format. Another example is the possibility of hacking WhatsApp with a Gif. But in the words of Durov there is not only a technical criticism to WhatsApp, but also a "policy" to the Facebook group that, for a very specific choice, according to Durov would have no intention to really protect the data of its users.
What Durov says against WhatsApp
Pavel Durov does not use half words to describe WhatsApp, and hits hard: "WhatsApp not only does not protect your messages: this app is constantly used as a Trojan horse to spy on your photos and messages not WhatsApp. Why would they do this? Facebook has been part of surveillance programs long before it acquired WhatsApp. It is naive to think that the company changed its policies after the WhatsApp acquisition." Durov refers, complete with a link in the footnote, to the U.S. National Security Agency's infamous PRISM program, which would allow American 007s direct access to the servers of Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple and other Web bigwigs.
To err is human, to persevere is diabolical
Then Durov goes back to talking about the technical problems, the security flaws, and offers an interpretation of the facts that makes one think a lot: "It is very unlikely that someone could make, with this frequency, big mistakes regarding security that are always in favor of surveillance." According to the CEO of Telegram, therefore, all these flaws to the security of WhatsApp would be almost wanted by Facebook and would not be an accident. That's why Durov repeats for the umpteenth time, "Unless you are okay with all your photos and messages one day becoming public, you should delete WhatsApp from your phone."