WhatsApp, what to do if the application has problems

WhatsApp has problems? Find out the procedure to follow to solve them on your Android smartphone and iPhone.

You are trying to open a WhatsApp chat, but the application "does not respond": an annoying error message appears on the screen. You try to turn off and on the smartphone, but the situation does not change: what happened? Is this one of the classic downs that hit WhatsApp and do not allow you to send messages? Unfortunately not, the "fault" is most likely the version of WhatsApp you are using. If you are enrolled in the beta program (the one in which new features are tested for the first time) it is normal that sometimes the application stops working because of bugs.

What to do in these cases? Very simple, just delete WhatsApp and install it from scratch by downloading it from the App Store or Google Play Store. Before going ahead with this operation, however, you need to perform some preparatory actions so that you don't lose all the valuable information on WhatsApp. Here's what to do when WhatsApp has problems.

How to fix WhatsApp problems on Android

You have just updated the beta version of WhatsApp and the application keeps closing on its own. What to do in such cases? Very simple, you need to re-install the app from scratch. The procedure is very easy to follow.

First you need to backup WhatsApp, otherwise we will lose all the latest conversations with our friends. Open WhatsApp, press on Settings and then on Chats. In the new tab that will open, press on Backup Chats and then on Run Backup. The application will automatically start backing up: it will take a few minutes before the operation is completed. At this point you can proceed with deleting WhatsApp from your smartphone and reinstalling it via Google Play Store.

Once this step is complete, you'll have to enter your phone number so that you can get your chats back immediately.

This should solve WhatsApp problems on Android.

How to solve WhatsApp problems on iOS

The beta version of WhatsApp doesn't only create problems on Android smartphones, but also on iOS. The procedure you need to follow to get back to using the messaging app is the same.

As a first step you need to backup WhatsApp so that you don't lose any chats. Once this is complete, you can delete the WhatsApp app and install the new beta version. If the problems persist, our advice is to install the "normal" version of WhatsApp and wait a few days for the technicians to fix the bugs in the beta.