The Bonus phone and internet 2020 is a facility that allows people in economic difficulty to have a discount on the electricity bill
The "bonus phone and internet" is a facility designed for consumers in poor economic conditions and who need to have the phone at home. The measure, also for this year, has been confirmed by AGCOM, the Authority for Guarantees in Communications, and will allow everyone to access services now considered crucial for a good social integration.
This is a contribution for low-income families, launched already in 2018 with a specific resolution of AGCOM (no. 258/18/CONS). It is obtained by presenting its ISEE to the competent authority and following particular steps for the concession. From this year it is no longer necessary to have in the family an unemployed person, an elderly person older than 75 years or a disabled person, so it is assumed that requests will increase. According to the predictions of the Guarantor, the bonus can be activated for 2.6 million consumers. The telephone company that will manage the concession will be the TIM that has already published the procedure and forms to be completed on the website.
Bonus phone 2020: how to apply?
The contribution to activate phone and internet at home exists since two years ago and is designed for families who have an income that does not exceed 8,112.23 euros. Those who have this requirement can submit the request, which will be renewed every year with the appropriate ISEE reference. In fact, the bonus is adjusted from time to time to the DSU (Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica) that expires on December 31 of each year.
This year too the company in charge of managing the services is TIM, which has already published on its website the procedure for obtaining the bonus. Infatti, nell’apposita pagina online è possibile scaricare tutti i moduli da compilare . I documenti si trovano anche nei CAF e nei negozi TIM di tutta Italia.
Occorre allegare ai moduli il proprio modello ISEE rilasciato dall’INPS e una fotocopia della carta d’identità. Dopo aver preparato la documentazione, la richiesta si può inviare in diversi modi:
- raccomandata a TIM S,p.A. – Casella postale 111, 00054 FIUMICINO (RM
- fax al numero 800000314.
Bonus telefono e internet 2020: caratteristiche
Il bonus per il telefono spetta agli abbonati TIM e include sia i servizi voce che quelli internet. Per quanto riguarda i primi si avrà uno sconto del 50% perciò l’abbonamento telefonico fisso costerà 9,44 euro al mese iva inclusa, con 30 minuti di telefonate gratuite verso fisso e mobile. Above this threshold, you will pay 10 cents/minute with no connection charge.
As far as Internet services are concerned, you can access the Alice 7 Mega subscription with a 50% discount. Social Card holders can access the service by paying 14.69 euros per month. The benefits are not cumulative between them.