Problems with a purchase on the famous e-commerce? Don't worry, contacting Amazon is very simple and fast, let's see all the possible ways to do it
A purchase on Amazon is creating problems for you, or you haven't received news about your orders or - maybe - you've mistakenly entered the data for shipping? To find a solution, you need to contact the customer service of Amazon, the famous marketplace. And there are several ways to do this: although Amazon operates on the web, getting in touch with one of its operators is in fact very simple.
Although e-commerce continues to suffer from the lack of customer trust, which most likely comes from the lack of a face-to-face relationship during the purchase and in the most important phase that is the post-sale, with Amazon - in reality - the risk is not run: its customer service is highly reliable, and in most cases handles quickly the requests and complaints of customers.
There are several ways to contact Amazon's customer support, in order to receive explanations and clarifications from the famous e-commerce site. Let's see which channels to use according to our needs.
Amazon customer support: the toll-free number
Amazon has a toll-free number that customers can use to request assistance: it is 800 145 851. Then, there is the toll-free number 800 628 805, which deals with general user issues and helps them solve any problems. Both services are operational 24 hours a day, any day of the week.
Calling the toll free number is definitely the best solution if we are not very familiar with computers and online orders, or if at the moment we do not have an Internet connection or a device from which to connect to request assistance directly on the Net.
How does the call work? Very simple: when you answer, you speak to a recorded voice that - based on your requests - will allow you to speak to an operator rather than another. Waiting times vary from time to time, depending on the day (working or holiday) in which you are, and the number of operators available at the time.
When you talk to the operator you will not need to have all the data at hand but it is better, to speed up the time, to keep in mind the email address with which you completed the purchase and the address where the product must be shipped. According to your requests, you will also need the order number.
Contact Amazon customer support via web
If you have a doubt or a minor question, or you don't have a phone, you can safely turn to the Twitter page of the e-commerce, @AmazonHelp, which offers a first assistance service, also available in Italian.
If the doubt arises immediately after the purchase or while you are logged into Amazon, you can click on Help at the bottom of the e-commerce page. In this way you will be redirected to the contacts and - if you choose the call or the online assistance - the operators will be able to see directly all the details of the order, so as to provide help in real time.
You have to be careful, however, to address the assistance by clicking on the last order or on the one on which you have doubts, so as not to create misunderstandings. Next to each product, with a drop-down menu you can see info like "return or replace items", "comment packages" and so on. You select the request, and Amazon customer support will know from before the call how to lend help.
You can also contact Amazon for other issues not related to an order, for example if you want information about the Kindle. Or, you have the option to send a short message asking for special, personal information. Once you've done that, you'll see the words "How do you prefer to be contacted?" which will allow you to choose different options, from calling to email.
Use the app to contact Amazon customer support
Amazon customer support can also be contacted using the app, which is available on all smartphones and tablets. In some cases - such as requesting a large refund or more specific questions - you can also ask the operator to speak with a support manager, who is in charge of handling refunds and related issues.
Many of the answers to your questions can actually be found on the e-commerce's support page. Here, the "Suggested Topics" section contains a whole series of clarifications regarding the most common issues: canceling an order, finding a package delivered but not received, returning an item, changing the payment method and so on.