The apps that consume the most battery power in 2020

A British site has compiled a list of the most dangerous apps for smartphone health. Here they are

It's a fact: some apps consume more energy than others. The real dilemma is knowing which are these apps that put a strain on your smartphone's battery every day. To find out, the English website Uswitch has compiled a list of the most energy-hungry apps. Unfortunately, the news is not good: most of the apps that consume the most energy are the ones we use most during the day.

We're talking about Facebook, WhatsApp, Gmail, Chrome, YouTube, applications used daily by billions of people and that unfortunately also require a great effort to the smartphone battery. If in the evening we arrive with the battery at 5% or we are forced to use a battery pack for a quick recharge at lunchtime, the fault is their own. What to do, then? Eliminating them isn't possible, but there are some valid alternatives that allow you to save battery power and get through the day without too many problems, such as accessing Facebook or Messenger from the browser and not from the app.

Which apps consume the most energy

If Google and Facebook dominate the ranking of the 10 most energy-hungry apps. As many as five are still owned by the Mountain View giant, Gmail, Google, Google Chrome, Waze and YouTube, while the others always belong to Facebook: Facebook, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. Finally, only two apps do not belong to these two giants: Uber and Amazon Alexa. Queste dieci app sono in grado di richiedere l’accesso combinato ad oltre 422 autorizzazioni sullo smartphone e ad attivare processi su processi.

Le altre posizioni

Dalla posizione numero 11 alla posizione numero 20 si tratta di app molto conosciute e utilizzate: Instagram è undicesima, dodicesima Telegram, tredicesima Twitter seguita da Tik Tok e Amazon Shopping.

Come prolungare la durata della batteria: i consigli di Uswitch

Di seguito i consigli di Uswitch per preservare la durata della batteria del vostro smartphone:

  • non caricarlo del tutto;
  • utilizzare un caricabatterie portatile;
  • disattivare Wi-Fi e Bluetooth quando non necessari;
  • attivare la modalità risparmio batteria;
  • disattivare il GPS quando non serve;
  • ridurre la luminosità dello schermo;
  • disattivare la vibrazione;
  • disattiva l’aggiornamento delle app in background;
  • evitare di utilizzare il controllo vocale;
  • scaricare un’apposita app per ottimizzare il risparmio della batteria.