Three is not working today, what’s happening

Since 8:00 this morning, Tre users are reporting several problems with the data connection and it is not possible to make calls. What's happening

Nightmare morning for Tre users: since 8:00 this morning the network is down in most of Italy. The problem seems to concern both the data connection and phone calls.

The disruption seems to concern all of Italy and in these minutes is causing many problems to users: you can not call or send messages on WhatsApp  or surf the Internet. The phone company for the moment has not provided explanations as to why the Three does not work, but most likely the problem concerns the antennas. Il disservizio sembra aver colpito tutta la Penisola, anche se in alcune zone d’Italia la Tre sta funzionando benissimo e permette sia di telefonare sia di navigare in rete. I tecnici della Tre sono al lavoro per risolvere il problema tecnico e nei prossimi minuti o ore se ne saprà sicuramente di più.

Perché non funziona la Tre


La cartina con le segnalazione degli utenti sul down della Tre

Come detto in precedenza, la compagnia telefonica non ha fornito spiegazioni sul perché non funziona la rete Tre ed è possibile solamente fare delle ipotesi. La più probabile riguarda è un malfunzionamento delle antenne che ha messo KO la rete Tre. The only certain thing is that the technicians of the phone company are already working to solve the problem of the Three Network. As you can see from the map, the inefficiency seems to have affected most of Italy, but most of the reports are concentrated in the North of Italy. In the next few hours the problem will surely be solved and we will know more about it.

UPDATE: the problem has been solved in most of Italy since 10:00 am.