Tim network is not working today, what’s happening

Since this morning at 8:00 am, the TIM network is not working in most of Italy: users can neither make calls nor use the data network. Unknown the causes

Bruttic Sunday awakening for TIM users, the cellular network is not working in most of Italy and does not allow neither to make calls nor to surf the Internet. The problem doesn't seem to be circumscribed only in a part of Italy, but it involves the whole Peninsula: most likely it's a very big failure that has knocked out the TIM network.

On the downdetector website, specialized in collecting users' complaints when a service doesn't work, there are hundreds of reports sent since this morning. And also on Twitter many people are posting messages about the TIM down in the hope of finding a word of comfort or help from other users. Per il momento non ci sono informazioni sul perché TIM non funziona: sui canali social ufficiali dell’operatore telefonico non è apparso nessun messaggio, sicuramente i tecnici sono già al lavoro per risolvere il problema al più presto.

Perché non funziona rete TIM

tim-non-funziona-300x200.jpgFonte foto: Redazione

La mappa dei disagi TIM

Come si può vedere dalla mappa presente sul sito downdetector.it, TIM non funziona in gran parte d’Italia. Le segnalazioni arrivano da tutte le città della Penisola: Roma, Milano, Napoli, Palermo, Bologna, Torino, Venezia. Per il momento non si conoscono le cause del perché TIM è down, ma il guasto potrebbe anche dipendere dal maltempo che in questi giorni sta flagellando l’Italia e che sta causando enormi danni e anche delle vittime. Alcune antenne potrebbero essere state danneggiate mandando KO la rete TIM. As mentioned above, users report that it is not possible to make calls or surf the Internet using the data network.

TIM has not released official statements for the moment, but calling 119 (the customer service number) to know some more information, operators have confirmed the existence of the problem that is affecting a considerable number of SIMs. TIM technicians are already working to solve the problem and in the next few hours everything should be back in place.

UPDATE 11:00

According to the reports of some users, the service disruption would not have been caused by bad weather, but by some problems in the management of active services on SIM cards. If you have activated promotions in the last period, they may be incompatible with each other and not work with your SIM card.

Update 12:30

The problem seems to be solved: now you can call and surf the Internet with the data network.