Vodafone Partial Down: users resent Tobi

Disruptions localized to Northern Italy, Vodafone confirms technical problems and reassures users.

Update at 11:45am - The inefficiencies seem to be over in the whole affected area, Vodafone declares to have solved the technical problems and, indeed, the reports have dropped

Since yesterday evening hundreds of reports of inefficiency on the Vodafone network, on which the virtual operator Ho Mobile also relies, have been recorded by users in Northern Italy. There are also reports from central Italy, but in smaller numbers.

The most frequent problem encountered is the absence of telephone line, you can not make calls. In less number the reports related to 4G and 5G Internet line. Most of the inconveniences would seem to be concentrated in the area of the Milanese hinterland, where there is also a strong concentration of inhabitants and therefore of users. The phone operator has issued a note to confirm the technical problems and reassure users who, in the meantime, have started to blame Tobi, the bot that filters requests for assistance.

Down Vodafone and Ho, the reports

If the South of Italy seems to have no problems of any kind with the Vodafone/Ho network, the same cannot be said for the Center and the North. But these reports are very localized and not widespread on a regional scale.

Some users claim to have no connection, neither voice nor data, many say they can surf (albeit very slowly) but they can not make calls. I primi disservizi sono stati segnalati già ieri in tarda serata, ma il boom di segnalazioni c’è stato oggi in mattinata.

Moltissimi gli utenti che, sui social, criticano la scelta di Vodafone di far filtrare le richieste di assistenza da Tobi, l’assistente virtuale/bot che risponde ai messaggi diretti inviati su Facebook: sembrerebbe proprio che Tobi sia programmato per scansare del tutto le richieste di questo tipo.

Cosa dice Vodafone

In tarda mattinata Vodafone ha risposto agli utenti con una nota in cui spiega: “Siamo a conoscenza di un disservizio temporaneo sulla rete mobile in alcune zone di Milano (Centro e periferia Nord-Ovest) e in alcune aree delle province di Varese e Como. Stiamo lavorando per risolverlo nel minor tempo possibile. Ci scusiamo con i clienti per il disagio“.

Poche settimane fa anche TIM aveva fatto registrare pesanti disservizi a causa di un malfunzionamento alla centrale di Milano. In that case, however, the disservice spread in a few hours to the rest of Italy. In the case of Vodafone, instead, until now it is not so.