Yahoo Mail is not working today, what’s happening

Yahoo Mail is not working as of 8pm on October 22, 2019. The problem affects the whole World. Here's what's happening

Yahoo Mail is down. Complicated evening for Yahoo Mail users: the email provider does not allow access due to a "temporary error 15". You can neither send nor receive email messages and for the moment the reason is not known. It is not the first time that Yahoo Mail does not work: a similar problem happened last month.

On the site, which collects comments from users when a service or an application does not work, there are hundreds of reports coming from all over Italy. The down of Yahoo Mail, however, is not limited to the Bel Paese, but is spread all over the world, a sign that the problem is big and needs some time to be solved. Most likely it is a server failure that has knocked out Yahoo Mail. Technicians are already working to solve the problem as soon as possible. We will keep you informed.

Why Yahoo Mail is not working today

For the moment we do not know the reasons why Yahoo Mail is down. From the reports of the users, it appears that the problem only affects the email service and not the Yahoo website. Those who try to access their email account receive a message saying "temporary error 15". Logically it is impossible to both receive and send email. Even the Yahoo Mail application for smartphones and tablets has the same kind of problem. The down of Yahoo Mail could be caused by a server failure of the email provider, but there is no confirmation. We will continue to follow the situation and keep you updated.

Update 5:00 am October 23. The problem at Yahoo Mail has been resolved.