3 series similar to Atypical

If you are passionate about Sam's stories, his desire to be loved, to live and enjoy the world, these three series are perfect to watch on streaming.

Adolescence is made of small and big dramas, but also full of beautiful and unforgettable events that everyone lives and carries within himself. Series with teen drama theme have a touch of comedy and irony even when they deal with important topics such as sex or mental disorders. Fifteen-year-olds revisit and adults revisit.

The TV series Atypical is now in its fourth season on Netflix and is one of the platform's most successful series, fans are wondering when there will be an official release date for the next one. Sam, the main character of the story, a boy with autistic disorder, has captured everyone. His desire for normalcy, for growth, is extraordinary, so much so that he questions, not only him, but his family and friends. Un adolescente diverso, che si trova davanti il mondo che tutti i quindicenni devono affrontare per diventare adulti. Ci sono però altre serie con temi simili, che sono perfette da guardare in attesa di una nuova stagione di Atypical, o semplicemente per spaziare nel mondo dello streaming.


Una tra le serie tv dedicata al mondo dell’adolescenza di maggior successo di questi anni è Tredici. La storia ruota attorno al suicidio di Hannah Baker, studentessa della Liberty High School, che sconvolge con questo gesto la scuola, la cittadina, la famiglia e gli amici, tagliandosi le vene. Clay Jensen, studente come Hannah, tornando a casa troverà una scatola nella veranda con all’interno tredici cassette registrate dalla ragazza prima di morire. Hannah spiega i tredici motivi per il quale si è tolta la vita e Clay comprende che uno di questi è proprio lui. One of the reasons was the abuse she suffered from another student at the school and, ultimately, the school itself is responsible for the girl's death through negligence.

Sex Education

When we talk about adolescence by now we can't not mention Sex Education. The success of this TV series for children, now in its third season, is given by the comic and ironic treatment of the themes of sexuality in adolescence in a way never obvious. At the center of the story we have the teenager Otis who knows everything about sex and has a mother who is a sex therapist. Otis, will be able to help a student of Moordle, Adam, son of the school principal, to solve his ejaculatory problems with the girl thanks to the advice given during a chat. Otis, after the suggestions of his friend Maeve, who understands the skills of the young boy, will become, for a fee, the sex therapist of the students of Moordle.


Elite is a Spanish TV series with at the center of the events a group of teenage boys who study in a prestigious private Spanish high school, mostly attended by young upstarts. In each episode they face a crime and will find a solution all together. In this series in addition to the drama we also have the thriller. However, the issues addressed by Elite are very deep: economic inequality, crime and drug addiction, passing through the theme of sexuality in adolescence, religion and racism.