TIM landline network, problems with the Internet. What’s happening

Since 18:00 on October 22, reports of problems with the TIM Internet network have increased. Here's what's happening and how to solve it

In the last few hours there have been increasing reports from users about problems with the fixed network of TIM. Throughout the day today (October 22, ed.) the site downdetector.it has reported malfunctions with the fixed network of TIM, especially with the Internet connection. Some Internet sites are not opened and the connection error message is shown on the screen.

It is not a real down of the TIM network, like the one that happened a few weeks ago and that caused several inconveniences in Italy, but rather problems with the Network architecture. In fact, the problem with the TIM network only affects some websites and some online services (for example the Steam platform). Reading the comments on downdetector.it, some users report that they can't even open apps from their smartphone (eBay), but they can browse. This shows that this is a rather unique problem. Other users, also commenting on the page of downdetector.it, explain that the malfunction is due to the TIM DNS. To solve the problem it is enough to change them with those of Google or Cloudfare.

Because I can't open some sites with the TIM Internet

A sui generis problem that does not affect all users, but only those who use the TIM DNS. Today, October 22, many TIM customers are reporting problems with the opening of some websites or applications from their smartphones. When you try to access these services, you are greeted by the classic message "No connection". The problem does not affect all websites, but only some of them.

How to solve the TIM Internet problem? Molto semplice: bisogna cambiare i DNS e inserire quelli di Google o Cloudfare. Per eseguire la modifica su un PC Windows 10 bisogna cliccare su Start e selezionare la voce Centro connessioni di rete e condivisione e aprire le proprietà del sistema di connessione in uso (ad esempio rete wireless). Si aprirà una nuova finestra e bisogna cliccare sulla voce “La connessione utilizza gli elementi seguenti". Seleziona la voce “Protocollo internet versione 4 (TCP/IPv4)".e metti la spunta sulla dicitura Utilizza i seguenti indirizzi server DNS. A questo punto inserite i DNS di Google o Cloudfare.

DNS Google

  • DNS Google primario:
  • DNS Google secondario:

DNS Cloudfare

  • DNS Cloudflare primario IPv4:
  • DNS Cloudflare secondario IPv4:

Sui PC MAC la procedura è altrettanto semplice. To change the DNS you must always enter the network configurations, click on the voice Open network preferences, select the current connection and choose Advanced, DNS and press "+". At this point enter the new address of the DNS server chosen for browsing, both primary and secondary, and click on Apply.

Update 12:00 am October 24. The number of reports has decreased, but there are still problems.