Iliad, internet connection problems today. What’s happening

Since 14:00 many users are reporting problems with Iliad's 4G network. The inefficiency seems to be generalized throughout Italy. Here's what's happening

Passionate day for Italian users: after TIM, also Iliad seems to have problems. Since 14:00 on March 28, 2019, users have been reporting that Iliad's 4G network is down: you can't receive messages on WhatsApp, you can't surf the Internet, or post pictures on Instagram. The problem seems to affect all of Italy, as evidenced by the map on the site

The inefficiency concerns only the data connection: you can receive and make phone calls. Reports are growing by the minute, as you can see from the graph on, a site used by users to find out if there are disruptions to the telephone network or online services. Anche su Twitter i clienti Iliad sono alla ricerca di risposte, ma per il momento non ci sono spiegazioni sul motivo del down di Iliad. I tecnici dell’operatore telefonico sono già al lavoro per risolvere il problema e nelle prossime ore dovrebbe tornare tutto alla normalità.

Perché non funziona la rete 4G di Iliad

iliad-down.jpgFonte foto: redazione

La cartina di con le segnalazioni degli utenti

Gli utenti si stanno chiedendo perché non funziona Internet Iliad. Il motivo è molto semplice: la rete 4G del nuovo operatore telefonico non funziona. Dalle 14:00 qualche problema ha colpito la rete di Iliad, bloccando la connessione a Internet. Non è possibile navigare su Internet, inviare messaggi o immagini su WhatsApp o controllare i propri account social. No problems are reported, however, to the telephone network: you can make and receive calls.

For the moment we do not know the causes of the down that has affected the 4G network of Iliad: it could be a momentary failure of the network infrastructure that the technicians of the company are already trying to solve. Iliad has not yet released any official statement about the cause of the problem. We will follow the situation in the coming hours and try to give an answer to why Iliad is not working today. 

Update 3:10 PM. The situation is slowly returning to normal. In some areas of Italy the service has restarted and the reports are decreasing.