Even TikTok takes the plunge and starts testing in app purchases: soon everyone will be able to sell and buy without leaving TikTok.
It's time for in app purchases for TikTok. The social network dedicated to the creation of short videos is testing the possibility of shopping directly from the application, as already happens with other competitors, above all Facebook. For the occasion, the names of the brands that will participate in the first phases of the project have already been chosen.
The operation was not born out of nothing: in fact, the idea behind the strategy in place is to repeat the success of TikTok's sister app, Douyin. Social network with the same functioning, it is daily used by the most famous names of fashion from all over the world to interact with the public of users. Among the most successful operations are hashtag competitions, themed videos by members and marketing ideas developed by the most famous influencers. Now the next step is coming: you can sell on TikTok.
Shopping on TikTok, how it works
The debut of the feature dedicated to shopping on TikTok sees among the protagonists Hype, a brand dedicated to streetwear. This will be followed by other proposals of equal interest, always with an eye on the youngest, so as to be able to carry out all the necessary tests to get a complete picture of the trend in Europe, including the United Kingdom, of sales in the app.
As often happens, this launch phase is not open to all members of the platform but only to some participants who will be able to test the mechanisms of the feature first, showing their interest in the proposals available. TikTok non ha voluto rivelare maggiori informazioni in merito, lasciando in sospeso la questione relativa alla data ufficiale in cui il servizio sarà disponibile per ogni utente.
TikTok, sempre più apprezzata dai grandi nomi
Se per molti la piattaforma è un espediente per passare del tempo divertendosi, creando e guardando video che scorrono rapidamente sulla timeline, per alcuni importanti marchi TikTok è una base di lancio per nuove iniziative, dalle campagne promozionali alla ricerca di personale. In particolare, il social si è dimostrato il trampolino ideale per i creativi del futuro in più occasioni.
Hollister, brand di moda conosciuto in tutto il mondo, ha scelto l’applicazione per la ricerca di candidati da inserire nelle posizioni dedicate ai social media. Using the hashtag #HCoHireMe, candidates can send their applications in video format showing talent and creativity trying to break into the hearts of recruiters.
Method procedure, but different sector, for Hbo. Last year, the U.S. television network used the hashtag #HBOMaxsummerintern to launch its recruitment campaign for summer internships. There were 300 applications received through social, marking a small success for the app and for Hbo itself.